Comprehensive Remote Security Systems for Businesses

Proper protection of company property is the foundation of safe and smooth business operations. Discover the Alarm Tower offer for business users, which combines effective security with easy installation, allowing you to implement a wireless security system quickly and without construction work. Gain full control over your company’s safety and assets with the latest technologies and Smart Office solutions.

Wireless and cost-effective protection for companies and construction sites

Securing a company is a significant challenge. The rise in minimum wage and increasing employment costs often lead to the decision to forgo hiring physical security personnel. However, leaving a property unprotected is essentially an open invitation for thieves. While perimeter security can replace security staff, installing such a solution can sometimes exceed the cost of hiring.

Our proposed solution allows you to secure only the areas that are actually at risk of theft or burglary. This way, the client only pays for the spaces that are genuinely protected, rather than covering roads, lawns, or bushes. Based on our field experience, local inspections often reveal that an extensive system can be reduced to a few sensors near main entrances or windows. This helps the client save on system installation and monthly security subscription costs.

The system operates using trail cameras connected to a central unit, which collects images of each breach and instantly sends them to the security agency and users. This prevents costly and pointless security patrol responses to false alarms. Installing such a system is also much cheaper than a traditional system, as all its components are wireless.

For years, our systems have been preventing break-ins and theft attempts — let them protect your company’s assets as well.

We offer comprehensive and fast implementation.


We understand your needs.


We prepare a solution.


We perform the installation service.


We train individuals on the system.

Discover the benefits of this solution.

Savings on employee costs.

Only designated areas are protected.

The system can be integrated with any security agency in Poland.

Temporary Monitoring Rental

Temporary monitoring rental is attractive to many industries that require flexible and short-term security solutions. Here are some of them:

Construction Industry

Construction sites often require protection against theft of materials and equipment. Monitoring work progress and ensuring worker safety are additional important needs.

Transport and Logistics

Temporary monitoring can be used at cargo terminals, warehouses, or during the transportation of valuable goods.

Event Organisation

Mass events, such as concerts, festivals, or conferences, require ensuring the safety of participants and the protection of technical equipment.


In addition to protecting against the theft of agricultural machinery, it is worth considering monitoring farmland during harvest seasons as an opportunity to prevent unplanned crop losses.


Seasonal stores, holiday markets, or fairs can benefit from temporary monitoring to prevent theft.

Public Sector and Administration

Monitoring in city parks, playgrounds, or areas vulnerable to vandalism, especially during the winter months when it gets dark much earlier

Ask about the remote security system for your business!